

5 Ways to Lower the Winter Heating Bill

By |2020-03-11T19:46:31+00:00December 30th, 2014|News|

The warmer season is officially over for most of the country, and you might be looking at your heating bill wishing it was lower. Energy bills can get expensive this time of year, but there a few simple solutions that will help keep the heating expenses low. From adjusting the hot water temperature to installing insulating

Demystifying Window Film and Tint

By |2020-03-11T19:53:15+00:00November 25th, 2014|News|

Since window film hit the global market, it’s protected millions of cars, buildings and homes along with their passengers and occupants. A broad range of options is available to meet just about any need from protection against skin-damaging UV rays and temperature control to reducing fading and glare. Now you may be pondering, “How does

Blocking 99% of UV Rays Window Film Fights Fading

By |2020-03-11T20:02:34+00:00November 4th, 2014|News|

Have you ever tried to rearrange your living room only to discover that the floor under the couch is far darker than the rest of your hardwood? Flooring, fabrics and furnishings are all vulnerable to fading without proper protection. https://northamerica.llumar.com/blocking-99-of-uv-rays-window-film-fights-fading-379

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